Polyglot Challenge | English Day #4

VERB (Basic) English Day #Four 

    LESSON 1 (We LOVE the book; The dog LOVES the ball; I HEAR the woman
    mulher; He SEES an animal; He READS the menu; I HEAR the boy.) 
    LESSON 2 (The girl HEARS the dog; They LIKE the house; The cat LIKES the dog; He HAS an apple; We LIKE the dog; She LIKES the child; The child HEARS the cat; The dog HAS a ball; She HEARS the woman; He LIKES the elephant; The elephant HAS one home; You LIKE the apple; They LIKE the house; The elephant LIKES the house; The child HEARS the cat; I LIKE girls; She LIKES the child.) .
Polyglot Challenge | English Day #4 Polyglot Challenge | English Day #4 Reviewed by ACN on 04:30:00 Rating: 5

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